Lens Impression
三波長の色収差を補正したレンズ。 1868年、アッベが発明。1886年、フリードリッヒ・オットー・ショット(Friedrich Otto Schottが非分散光学ガラス(蛍石レンズ)を開発。アポクロマートレンズをアッベの依頼により開発し顕微鏡レンズとして商品化。
At first to extract the description of Apochromat
from the "lens history" of this HP,
Corrected three wavelength of chromatic
Ernst Abbe ( 23jan1840-14jan1905 ) introduced this type in 1868. Otto Schott
met Abbe in 1881. He was a glass chemist from the University of Jena. Abbe
and Schott developed several new glass including Fluorite lens a uniform
refractive index for years. In 1884, Schott, Abbe, and Zeiss formed a new
Schott and Sons company in Jena, Germany and they introduced a new type
of objective, the apochromat in 1886 for microscope.
That is to say, the lens with a color blur being held down to the limit.
On the other hand, since the standard of correction of each makers to name
such as this APO, UD, ED, is not clear, so many lenses put on the market
now have resulted to name of APO, especially those by lens specialized
makers. To judge is impossible only by a name without seeing actual description,
but this lens is APO perfectly through the actual expression.