 Plasmat (プラズマート) 9cm(90mm) f1.5

Lens Data

Lens Unit

Lens Photo

Production : around 1927-

by all means,
 it is heavy.

Lens Impression

久しぶりのキノ・プラズマートの追加です。しかも、今回は大物。プラズマート9cm(90mm) f1.5です。ksmtさんからお借りしました。
レンズ鏡胴の表記にはKinoの文字はなく、単なるPlasmatですが、ksmtさんの分解・検証によって、レンズ構成はKino Plasmatと「同じ」である
オリジナルのボディが何であったかは判明しておりませんが、A.O.Roth社のSpecial Reflex Camera(6x4.5 1927 BJA)、Primer Focal Plane Camera(6x4.5,6x9 1932 BJA)、Bentzin社のRecord-Primar(6x9)、などに装着されておりましたので、それらから分離されたもののように思われます。今回はEOSマウントに換装して撮影いたしました。


I am so happy to be able to add a new focal length Kino Plasmat. This time is a very big lens of Plasmat 9cm f1.5.
I borrowed from ksmt san.
There is no 'Kino' figures on the lens body but Plasmat only, but ksmt san had confirmed the composition is the complete same as other Kino Plasmat during maintenance.
This lens is originally for middle format cameras and may cover image circle of 6x9 cm format.
I chould not distinguish the original camera name of this lens, but seems the separation from A.O.Roth Special Reflex Camera(6x4.5 1927 BJA) or
Primer Focal Plane Camera(6x4.5,6x9 1932 BJA), or Bentzin社のRecord-Primar(6x9) or others.
I put on Canon EOS with modification.
Its description shows less swirling bokeh than other Kino Plasmat originally for 35mm format cameras because of using mainly its center of image circle.
On the other hand, tender flare is apparent and it remains rather in closed apperture.

 Photos with Plasmat 9cm(90mm) f1.5
Yokohama Bashamichi Matsuri


Beauties wearing Rokumei-kan dress in Meiji era, wearing Pirates costumes and other Cosplayers were padading along Bashamichi road.
City officers closed Bashamichi road for car and operated Horse coaches and Rickshaws which had made long queue.
Dressed people accepted being taken photo willingly. Some older cameramen asked them a little too much favour, but they accepted such request with smile.
How do you feel the expression of portraits with 9cm Plasmat with tender flare on.